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求英语短文 what do you think of shopping online
人气:448 ℃ 时间:2019-08-19 04:42:48
Convenience includes the overall ease of finding a product,time spent on shopping,minimization of overall shoppoing effort (Schaupp & Belanger,2005).Online shopping allows consumers to shop at the convenience of their own home,and to save traveling time to retail stores and spend their time on other important tasks and hobbies.Researchers idenfity convenience as a 'fundamental objective' related to online shopping (Schaupp & Belanger,2005).This is relevant to 72% of online shoppers' claim that they would rather surf online than go to retail store to attain information about a product (Lokken et al.,2003).According to a study,72% of online shoppers chose convenience over privacy (Bhatnagar,Misra,& Rao,2000).In addition to ease of finding products online and shopping time reduction,consumers can shop without time limitation with 24-hr access at their convenience because the World Wide Web never closees.Lokken mentions 24-hr access as a beneficial characteristic of online shopping (Lokken et al.,2003).Also,consumers can exchange information online through chatting and discussion forums to help them make wise consumer decisions.
2.No need for vendors and no pressure to buy
Online shopping benefits both the society as a whole and individuals.The society can save human resources when consumers help themselves by browsing freely online instead of asking for assistance from vendors.In addition,consumers are freed from the pressure to buy from the vendors and can spend more time to make wise purchase decisions.But it is imorpant that Web sites have good product descriptions because it is one of the significant condition that satisfy consumers (Limayem,M.,Khalifa,M.,& Frini,A.,2000).
"Infinite shelfspace" available
Consumers desire a variety of products because they look for the right product that will fully satisfy them.There is infinite variety of products available online because online shopping allows consumers to browse through products that are made all around the world without geographical boundaries.
3.Able to compare product price and features
With the online tools that enable product comparison,consumers can compare product prices and features to make a better decision with less effort.More details are included in solutions section.
1.Enjoyment of retail shopping lost
Many enjoy shopping with others and it is often a good way to make social connections.When shopping independently online,the enjoyment is lost.
2.Privacy and security issues
Privacy is the number one reason that non-online shoppers do not shop online.Almost 95% of Web users have declined to provide personal information to Web sites at one time or another when asked (Hoffman,Novak,& Peralta,1999).Another recent study has found that privacy was the top concern of customers while security ranked bottom (Schaupp & Belanger,2005).This proves that many do not trust the privay of the Internet and are concerned with their credit card fauds,unwanted solicitation,and use of their information for other purposes.Security of Web sites is not the top concern because many shop on Web sites that they trust so that other factors appear to be more important than security.
3.Access to the Internet and computer necessary
Because one needs money to buy a computer and to have internet connection,online shopping seems to be limited people of reasonable amount of income.Also,since it is harder to learn computer at an older age,the elderly people tend shop at traditional retail stores.
4.Product category risk
Product category risk is related to functional products such as apparel,perfume,and electronics,that have functions that cannot fully be expeirenced online.Online shopper are worried that the products will not be what they have expected by viewing online.This is a clear disadvantage of onlins shopping because it shows that "[t]he likelihood of purchasing on the Internet decreases with increases in product risk" (Bhatnagar,Misra,& Rao,20000,p.100).Apparels in particular had negative rating in online shopping because of it is difficult to feel and see the texture of color online that is incomparable to going to a retail store,even with magnifying tools online.Also,one cannot try on a clothing before buying it online,so it would be very inconvenient if the size did not fit the person and he/she had to return it.
5.Too many choices
Although having access to a very large number of products is highly desirable,consumers have limited cognitive resources and may simply be unable to process the potentially vast amounts of information about these alternatives (Haubl & Trifts,2000).Online stores need to provide the variety in an organized way that will facilitate shopping online.
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