你还记得这些表示谁的词吗?试用our,your,his,her,their填空( 越快越好 )
ken and___sister ann aways help___father with the housework on sundays."Did you clean_____mother 's car,children?" "No,we didn't." she went our in _____car this morning,bet we cleaned ____bikes.
It was my birthday yesterday.My parents______ ( come ) home early.Mun_____(not cook ) dinner at home.We all_____( go )out to ear in a restaurant.the food there _______( be ) good and we_____ ( eat ) a lot.
My sister ( buy ) a big cake for me.i cut the cake and shared it with my family.We____( go ) home late.I ___( see ) a present on the table.It was from Uncle Tom.I ________( have) a lot of fun.
( )1.yesterday was my sister 's birthday.
( )2.mother cooked a very good dinner tonight.
( )3.i get a present from Uncle Tom.
( )4.After dinner,we came home early.
( )5.My sister gave me a big cake
人气:222 ℃ 时间:2020-04-09 22:01:52
his,their.your.her.our.came.didn't cook.went.is.ate.bought.went.saw.had.错,错,对,错,对
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