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以 春节 为题,写一篇英语作文
人气:365 ℃ 时间:2019-10-08 10:18:13
The Chinese New Year
“Whizzzzzzzzzz…BANG!” Yes,it’s that time of year again.A time where streets are lit up with bright flamboyant lights,sounds of crackling fireworks can be heard a mile away,smells of freshly baked moon cakes play with our nostrils,and the laughter of jovial people fill the air.No,it’s not Christmas,New Year’s Eve,Thanksgiving,or Labor Day.It’s the Chinese New Year!This is a time where all worries and sorrows are left behind and the only rule is to be merry and celebrate.Each year represents a different animal of the Chinese Zodiac and this New Year is the year of the horse.Why is the Chinese New Year so awesome?Three reasons:1) It tells of an amazing origin of the Chinese culture,2) It is when Chinese cooking and cuisine goes all out,and 3) We celebrate it with our own style and flare.Chinese New Year one of the most amazing holidays known to man and that’s a fact.When we celebrate the Chinese New Year,we are celebrating China’s rich,fascinating.
If a camera were to span across the table,it would take pictures of specialty dishes such as:double lobster w ginger and green onion,double-cooked pork,Vancouver king crab,seafood lo mien,steamed oysters clams,dim sum items,seafood veggie dumplings,Shanghai-style wonton noodle soup,steamed pork buns,steamed red bean buns,assorted moon cakes,and the list goes on and on.Back in the days of the "Dynasties"tm,the year revolved around the lunar cycle and when the new year came,the emperors would hold gargantuan feasts in honor of the gods who would in turn bring forth a new year filled with prosperity,fortune,and happiness.Afterwards,we turn in and fall fast asleep knowing that a new year has arrived filled with new opportunities and joy.It was and still is a sight to behold.After the feast,the families would have moon cakes in honor of the gods and bring good luck into their future.We make red bean pudding cakes and eat freshly baked moon cakes.Although taking as much as a week to prepare,the result is out-of-this-world.My mother cooks a special noodle soup that stands for longevity and prosperity that is enjoyed by all our families and friends.What holiday would be complete with out the aromatic flavors of extraordinary cuisine The Chinese New Year is no exception.Then at night,a festive and jovial parade would tread across town where reenactments of legendary stories would be shown.That"tms why so many people are invited on such a joyous occasion.The Chinese New Year doesn"tmt actually begin or end on a certain day.Most important of all,the Chinese New Year is what the Chinese culture is all about.When the Chinese New Year arrives,our family has a smaller scale celebration.
“Whizzzzzzzzzz ...砰!”是的,那就是一年的时间了.一时间在街道在灯光明亮华丽的灯光,声音可以被听到的噼里啪啦一英里外的烟花爆竹,新鲜出炉的月饼味道与我们的鼻孔发挥,快活的人的笑声弥漫在空气.不,这不是圣诞节,除夕,感恩节,或劳动节.这是农历新年!这是一个让所有的忧虑和惆怅的是留下的唯一规则是欢乐和庆祝的时间.每年代表了中国的十二生肖和今年的春节不同的动物是马年.为什么过年这么真棒?原因有三点:1)它讲述了一对中华文化,二惊人的原产地)这是当中国的烹饪和美食锐意进取,和3)我们一起庆祝我们自己的风格和眩光它.农历新年一人类已知的最令人惊讶的假期,这就是事实.当我们庆祝农历新年,我们正在庆祝中国丰富,引人入胜.
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