TO:Metro power Employees
FROM:Susannah Beech,Hr Administrator
SUBJECT:Ways to improve your response to technology failures
Date:22 September 2007
Dear Metro Employees:
There is always a chance of racing toward a deadline and suddenly having equipment fall.The following includes a few proposed suggestions to help you stave off,and cope with,technical equipment and system failures:
◎ Stay cool.There are many technical failures so they are commonplace in business; and it is likely that your bosses and co-workers will understand that you’re having a problem and why.
◎ Practice preventive maintenance:Use cleaning cloths and sprays regularly,liquids and foods should be kept away from keyboards and printers; and you should make sure systems are shut down when you leave at night.
◎ It is important for faster repair assistance to promptly report computer failures to Bart Stone assistant director of information services ext,2238,who will get to your poblem as soon as it is humanly possible for him to do so but you must keep in mind that there are many people demanding his focused attention at any given time;
◎ If you suspect that a problem may be developing,don’t wait until the crucial last moment to call for assistance.
◎ When a last-minute technical failure of equipment threatens to disrupt your composure you might want to consider taking a walk to calm down.
The last suggestion is perhaps the most important to keep your career on track.Lost tempers; taking out your feelings in violent outbursts,and rude language are threatening to co-workers and could result in a reprimand or other disciplinary action.By calling technical support lines for help,your equipment can stay in good working order and your temper will stay calm.
The timely implemention of repairs is important,so ask your supervisor for a list of support numbers to keep handy,then,the next time you experience a technology glitch in your equipment or systems,there are going to be quite a few numbers handy for you to call to help you handle it as just another aspect of your business regeem.
Susannah Beech
Human Resources administrator
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