In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of huckleberry Finn, Huck writes a letter to inform against Jim, the escaped slave, and then he tears the letter up. This fact reveals that .
A. Huck has a mixed feeling of love and hate
B. there is a conflict between society and conscience in Huck
C. Huck is always an indecisive person
D. Huck has very little education
人气:228 ℃ 时间:2020-03-23 20:30:57
B.there is a conflict between society and conscience in Huck马克吐温的故事写的背景是南方种植园奴隶制时期书中的Huck一方面生活在当时的社会环境里,摆脱不了那个时代与社会背景的限制,一方面自己的良知又对黑奴...
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