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family life ,我的家庭生活
其实这样也好,没有他们的日子我学会了独立,学会了生活.相比那些没有独立和学会生活的 人来说,我特别的骄傲.
人气:178 ℃ 时间:2020-03-22 01:41:01
I have a happy family.I am the happiest one in my family because all my family will leave the best to me such as some delicious food.When I was in the sixth grade in primary school,my parents went out to work.I and my brother lived with my grandparents.Up to now my parents will come back only for festivals.Sometimes I will miss them and I will sobbed in the secret during the night but I pretended to be happy .
In fact these will benefit me because I learned to be independent and know how to live.Compared with those who hasn't learned to be independent ,I feel very proud.
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