A.Do not drink so much wine,wait for the next you are still driving off?Drunk driving is very dangerous.
B.I agree with you that,but good on the body is very harmful.
C.Really?Then I will pay attention to,and I want to responsible for your security.
D.Speaking of alcohol,which has become a very serious social problem.
E.Can you give an example explain.
F.For example young people drink,will lead to mental decline,memory loss,as young people's brains are still growing period,the wine contained in what will stimulate brain development,so young people should not drink alcohol.
G.Yes,even adults because of the drink less or drink.Because it is not only dangerous to drive after drinking,and drinking too much can cause alcohol poisoning,causing cirrhosis of the liver and other diseases.
H.That drink is really terrible,in future we still have to drink less good.