Whether or not to tell the seriously ill about their true condition
has long been a dilemma for medicine professionals.Many doctors _________1___medicine-medical
believe that concealing facts from those patients will benefit them _________2___没有错误
psychologically and may help them recover.But new studies show what _________3___what-that
contrary to this widespread belief,the overwhelmed majority of _________4___overwhelmed-overwhelming
patients want to be told the truth,even in case of grave illnesses.If they _________5___in the case of
are not,they feel betrayed and misled.As it is,lying makes it difficulty _________6___difficulty-difficult
for patients to make choices concerned their own health.And keeping a _________7___concerned-concerning
dying patient in the dark prevents him for making decisions about the end _________8__ keeping a dying patient
of his life.Lying can also cause doctors to lose their integration and _________9___没有错误
credibility and to do harm to their colleagues who are honest with their ________10__ harm to的to去掉