英语同义句装换you should share your probems with your friends
you should share your probems with your friends
you should ()()your friends your probiem
人气:471 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 16:08:45
you should partake of your friends your problem
- 1.What will you share with English friends about your life in China?
- friend,not,ill,speak,you,your,should
- share your book with your friends怎么读
- 你可以向你的朋友请求帮助 You should ____your friends_____ _______-
- 用所给词的适当形式填空:Maybe you should get a friend -------(help) you with your English.
- ---I am so glad to see you here .I miss you very much .
- n是自然数,N=[n+1,n+2,...,3n]是n+1,n+2,...,3n的最小公倍数,如果N可以表示成N=2^10*奇数,n的可能值有几个?
- 三个粮站共有面粉1400千克,甲站与乙站的面粉的质量比是3:4,乙站与丙站的面粉质量比是6:7,三个粮站各有