最好是书上的,每个单词造两个句子:1.always 2.never 3.sometimes 4.usually 5.boots 6.bus driver 7.bus stop 8.circle 9.line 10.school bus 11.shape 12.square(正方形)13.triangle 14.umbrella 15.dry(干的) 16.wet
第二个问题:十五个连词成句(英文) 每个不少于六个单词 但必须都是书上的!两个问题都要回答!(人教版的小学英语第七册)我忘了是哪个版本的,反正第一课是 at the airport 第二课 jenny's house 就是这本书
人气:421 ℃ 时间:2019-10-23 02:37:44
1.I always play table tennis with my friends in my spare time.
2.I never ride a bike to school.
3.Sometimes my friends send postcards to me.
4.Tom usually plays a trick with his parents,
5.Mary likes her boots that her mother bought her last week,
6.The bus driver is so kind.
7.The bus stop is not far from my home.
8.The rabbit likes walking in a circle,
9Tjhe line is blue,
10.The school bus is so large that can seats more than 30 students,
11.The shape of the box is so strange.
12.The box's shape is square,
13.The triangle is so interesting.
14YOu should take an umbrella when it is raining.
15.The cloth is dry,
16.The pants is wet.
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