> 英语 >
填单词my computer helps me a lot with my work.it is really u___
after dinner ,my f___like watching tv at home
i have no words to d____the picture .it is wonderful.
jackie chan s____in action movies.he is a great actor
it's nice of you to show me your p___of your fqamily
人气:355 ℃ 时间:2020-05-12 19:39:41
1 useful有用的
2 family 家人/ friends朋友
3 describe 描写
4 stars 主演 / succeeds 成功
5 photo / picture 相片work interestinglearn theyswimdisliketeachernewspapergoodhim用以上单词合适的形式填空mymother____inabigcompany.ilikelisteningtomusicand___1 works2 (reading ) newspaperswork interestinglearn theyswimdisliketeachernewspapergoodhim用以上单词合适的形式填空ithinkitistoodiffcult___itwell.do yourfamilyhavethesameordiffcult_____?1 to learn2 好像没有合适的词来选' 要填一个名词 意思是: '' 你家人有相同或困难的... 吗?'
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