Analytical structure of speech :
simile 明喻
metaphor 暗喻
personification 拟人
euphemism 委婉语
irony 反语
antithesis 对偶
metonymy 转喻(指代)
analogy 类比 将两种本质不同的事物之间的共同点加以比较,来说明道理,把抽象的概念具体化,把浅显的道理浅显化:例 Forests are to nature what the lung is to man.Synecdoche 提喻,是以某事物的局部表示整体,抽象表示具体,特殊表示一般,或者反之.例如:More hands are needed in the work.(hand 是人体的一部分,代表人) There is a mixture of the tiger(残暴) and the ape(狡猾)in his character.
Onomatopoeia 拟声 The stream is murmuring down the hill.Some girls are giggling in the yard.Rain drops were pattering on the window.He heard the twitter of bird’s among the bushes.
Paradox 反论 指似是而非的说法,乍听似乎荒唐,但实际很有道理.
The child is father to the man.从小看到大.More haste,less speed.欲速而不达
Oxymoron 矛盾修饰法 指修饰语和被修饰语之间看似很矛盾,但实则相反相成.
Sour-sweet day 酸涩而甜蜜的岁月 poor rich men creative destruction 创造性的破坏 living death 死一般的活着
Pun 双关 即巧妙地利用同音异义或同形异义现象 使同一个词或同一句子表达两种不同的含义,是之含蓄幽默,一语双关.
— what makes the tower lean?Lean指倾斜 和 瘦的
— It never eats.
transfer epithet转移修饰是 通常把形容人的词语用来修饰事物上,或者把通常修饰甲类事物的形容词用来修饰乙类,以简洁、新颖、形象的效果.
A wide-eyed answer a helpless smile embarrassed delight
Dizzy height an icy look dry humor cheerful wine
Syllepsis 一语双关 指用一个词语同时与两个部分搭配,含义上一个为字面意思,一个为比喻意思,可产生幽默、俏皮的效果.