She's always late for everything.她总是每件事都迟到.
Usually,the work is boring.通常这种工作很乏味.
He often lunches out with his friends.他经常和朋友们在外吃午饭.
Sometimes I think he dislikes me.有时我觉得他不喜欢我.
I liked the slalom skiing where the skiers go very fast.我喜欢障碍滑雪,选手们都滑得飞快.
On Sundays,he seldom stays in the house.星期天他很少待在房子里.
I would never do anything to hurt him.我决不会做任何事去伤害他.
They commute between Beijing and Tianjin every day.他们每天往返于北京与天津之间.