> 英语 >
选择适合的答案 1.I tried very hard to __ a conversation with that girl but to no avail.
1.I tried very hard to __ a conversation with that girl but to no avail.
(1)run through (2)strike up (3)hold up (4)give away
2.Mother is very angry with you for telling a lie.She is going to ___ when she gets home.
(1)face the music (2)strike the iron while it is not (3)take his slipper to you (4)rub salt in the wound
3.The camper had a ___ of fire ready to keep off the wild animals.
(1)batch (2)haul (3)hail (4)heap
4.Somebody has finished all the beer in the ___.
(1)flagon (2)tankard (3)goblet (4)tank
5.Mr.Robinson is a ___ who donates generously to charities.
(1)spendthrift (2)philanthropist (3)philatelist (4)ventriloquist
人气:104 ℃ 时间:2020-01-30 04:40:56
1 4
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 2take his slipper to you解甚麼?是不是让我翻译这个句子啊take his slipper to you 是這個詞中文解甚麼?把她的拖鞋给你整句的意思呢???妈妈因为你对他说谎很生气 她决定打你当她回家时这句话真是不好翻译 我意译的
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