> 英语 >
人气:284 ℃ 时间:2019-10-09 07:38:11
[ ei ] favourite baby same grade plane
[ Q ] bad hand family black back animal
[ a:] class dance father afternoon aunt dark car
[ O ] watch what
[ O:] water watermelon quarter strawberry daughter
[ ә ] breakfast woman policeman banana about
[ e ] any many anything
E e
[ i:] we these maybe evening jeep meet green three tree
[ e ] dress red very yellow egg everyone
[ i ] English eleven behind between beside pretty
[ i:] clean please read teacher
[ e ] head pleasure breakfast sweater
[ ei ] great eight break
[ ai ] write China driver like primary find behind
I i
[ ai ] right light night
[ i ] fridge sing ticket different
[ i:] policeman policewoman
[ әu ] nose open close over no don’t zero
O o
[ O ] clock doctor sorry shopping
[ V ] son some love money
[ u:] do to who whose shoe
[ u:] school too zoo afternoon broom
[ u ] look book foot good woman put
[ V ] touch young cousin
发音一样[ au ]
[ au ] blouse about trousers playground
[ au ] how now down
[ әu ] know yellow window row
U u
[ ju:] duty excuse student computer
[ V ] bus number hundred umbrella
[ u:] blue ruler
[ ai ] my goodbye bye
Y y
[ i ] baby family strawberry many party thirty money
[ ei ] may maybe play way today
[ Oi ] boy toy
[ j ] 辅音音标 yes you your yours young yellow
(一般这么认为,y在单词开头发辅音[ j ],在单词后面时是发元音,所以y叫半元音字母)
[ θ ] think thank mouth three thirteen thirty
[ D ] this that there their they mother brother
[ ә:] turn nurse purse purple shirt worker her sir
[ ә ] father doctor mother worker
[ O:] morning for four door all wall tall ball small
[ iә ] ear dear here zero really
[ eә ] pear hair where there their
[ uә ] sure
[ h ] who whose
[ w ] where which what white
[ k ] can camera cat cap back chicken jacket ticket
[ s ] nice dance cinema
[ f ] off wife father fine find
[ v ] of wives over very
[ t ] two
[ tw ] twelve twenty twin between
[ k ] school
[ tS ] chair touch watch teacher
[ dZ ] fridge orange jeep jacket
[ ts ] hats tickets skirts Kate’s aunt’s
[ dz ] beds hands friends birds
[ tr ] tree trousers
[ dr ] dress driver hundred bedroom
[ S ] shall she show shall sure
[ Z ] pleasure
[ n ] new next hundred dance aunt under orange
[ N ] think thank English uncle evening morning young
[ s ] jeeps caps cups cakes bikes desks
[ z ] apples pears chairs Tom’s father’s sister’s
[ iz ] oranges nurses blouses (加了s后,原来不发音的e也发音了)
(添加的s的发音情况与原来的单词的末尾的发音有着密切的关系,末尾是清辅音[ p ]、[ k ]等就发清辅音[ s ],其余情况s都发浊辅音[ z ],也有[ iz ])
[ s ] nurse this yes bus Miss class dress
[ z ] nose his is these those please close
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