> 英语 >
The volume of a medium-sized grain of sand is 62 nL.If I gave you Avogadro's number
of grains of sand this size and assuming that all of the sand could pack together with no
empty space,which of the following is closest to the volume that would be required to
hold that much sand?
A) The volume of a medium-sized forest pond,which is about 1x10^6 L.
B) Roughly the volume of Lake Mead (formed by the Hoover Dam),which is
approximately 3.5x10^13 L.
C) About half the volume of the Caspian Sea,which has a total volume of 7.8x10^16 L.
D) The volume of all the oceans on the earth,which is about 1.4x10^21 L.
E) The volume of the earth,which is about 1x10^24 L.
人气:476 ℃ 时间:2020-04-06 09:06:09
先大概翻一下 sand就是沙子 或者石英砂 反正是什么不影响
中尺寸的石英砂晶体的体积是62nL(这个单位没见过 参考纳米理解为纳升 就是10^(-9)L).如果给你NA个这种石英砂晶体,假定所有的石英砂都可以无缝隙地堆在一起,下列哪一种最接近能够装下这些石英砂的体积?
选项不用看懂 后面的数字知道就行
就选C了 这个最接近 C选项是里海的总体积.
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