Many mundane parents who are addicated to drink slip up on torure their children irrationally,which should be diminished,or the children might agonize about the abuse which also sense the children's vulnerability because they hard to obliterate the memories.
人气:137 ℃ 时间:2020-03-24 09:30:14
里面错误单词太多(拼写),你检查一下再发上来吧饿。。。先谢谢了,不过我去word里拼写检查了一下,错了两个,一个是addicted另一个是torture 都在第一行...其他还有吗?帮你重新写了下,水平有限,请谅解!It’s mundane matters that parents who are addicted to drinking irrationally torture their children, in which case, their children are agonized about the abuse, and what’s worse, they are hard to obliterate the bad memories when they grow up. These parents should help their children to slip out of these agonizing experiences, or it will compound children’s biological vulnerability.