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The criteria for a failure of this testing protocol was the presence of phase separation or precipitation of solids in the inhibitor solution.The initial screening performed at 150°C for 48 hours saw failure by DETP,MA and EPA.A further 2 chemistries(PPCA and PVS/EPA copolymer) failed the 200oC tests.On cooling the inhibitors precipitated
crystalline solids,presumed to have formed from thermally decayed inhibitor molecule particulates.Nearly all inhibitors that did not show any precipitation or hazing darkened in colour but this is commonplace and was no cause for concern.FTIR analysis was performed on the thermally aged inhibitors to check for any change in molecular symmetry that would indicate thermal degradation.Where crystallisation had occurred,there were obvious differences in spectra with key active inhibitor component peaks.These peaks could either be distorted or absent,and in some cases where phase changes had occurred new peaks were present in aged samples.Three
examples of FTIR spectra have been depicted in Figures 3 and 4 inhibitors PPCA and SVS respectively.It can be seen that the ageing of Inhibitor C at 150°C has no real effect on the form of the spectrum but at 200°C the 1000-1500 cm-1 peaks radically change form in terms of shape,intensity and position representing a complete degradation of the active inhibitor product.Similarly the spectrum of SVS changes at 200°C with the absence a peak centered on 2375 cm-1 representing a breakdown of the inhibitor compound.The spectrum of Inhibitor B however has no discernable changes in form during any thermal conditions and this is reflected in visual
observations of the inhibitor.These breakdowns can also be discerned visually in the form of hazing or recrystallisation,but the FTIR analysis gives a definitive representation of changes to the form of the inhibitor molecules contained within the various packages.Indeed the FTIR serves to further prove the visual observations of the inhibitor intolerance to high temperatures.Compatibility Testing A successful squeeze candidate should be compatible with the formation waters of such a high salinity well.The criteria for a successful pass at this stage of testing would be the absence of precipitated species either present as particulates or as hazing of the solution.It is important for scale inhibitors to have a good calcium ion tolerance when being considered for application in high salinity wells.All chemicals that underwent this test passed the compatibility at both 150 and 200°C,and only one chemical,SVS/AA/MA failed,probably due to the formation of incompatible calcium-inhibitor complexes.
人气:177 ℃ 时间:2020-05-24 16:17:08
对于一个失败的标准测试方案存在的相分离或沉淀的固体的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂方案最初的筛选在150°C在48小时内,由DETP看到失败和EPA更进一步的车牌提取方法和小腿2化学/ EPA共聚物)失败的200oC测试在冷却抑制剂沉淀
红外光谱的例子描述数字3和4的抑制剂车牌提取方法,分别时可以看出,老化的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂在150℃没有真正的影响而形成的光谱,在200℃下1000 - 1500 cm-1峰形式而言,从根本上改变形状,强度和位置代表一个完整的退化的活跃的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂产品同样的光谱变化,在200℃时,一个高峰集中cm-1 2375代表的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂复合光谱却没有可辨抑制剂B的变化,在任何形式的热力学条件,这反映在视觉
这种抑制剂的观察.这些障碍也可以洞悉刻骨铭心的视觉的形式,但还是再给一个明确的表示傅里叶变换红外光谱分析的形式的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂分子中包含的各种包装.的确,进一步证明了FTIR服务的视觉观察的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂耐受高温.兼容测试一个成功的紧缩的候选人应符合形成水这样的高矿化度很好通过对一个成功的标准,在这一阶段的测试将会缺席的情况下,均可表现为颗粒沉淀或作为解决方案的捉弄…它是重要为阻垢剂,具有良好的钙离子宽容当考虑应用在高盐分威尔斯所有的化学物质,经历了这次考试通过了兼容在150米和200°C时,只有一个化学、马AA / /失败,可能是由于形成不相容的calcium-inhibitor复合体.
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