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新概念英语青少版2A 课文
《新概念英语青少版 2A》
Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday
Unit 7 A good example
Unit 11 We all have our troubles
《新概念英语青少版 2B》
Unit 18 Read the lable
Unit 27 Pocket money
Unit 28 She doesn’t even exist!
《新概念英语 1》
Lesson 77 Terrible toothache
Lesson 103 The French test
Lesson 107 It’s too small.
Lesson 113 Small change
人气:296 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 00:35:22
Lesson 103 The French test
GARY:How was the exam,Richard?
RICHARD:Not too bad.
I think I passed in
English and Mathematics.
The questions were very easy.
How about you,Gary?
GARY:The English and Maths papers
weren't easy enough for me.
I hope I haven't failed.
RICHARD:I think I failed the French
I could answer sixteen of
the question.
They were very easy.
But I couldn't answer the rest.
They were too difficult for me.
GARY:French test are awful,aren't
RICHARD:I hate them.
I'm sure I've got a low mark.
GARY:Oh,cheer up!
perhaps we didn't to do badly.
The guy next to me
Wrote his name
at the top of the paper.
GARY:Then he sat there
and looked at it for three
hours!He didn't write a word!
Lesson 107 It’s too small.
Assistant:Do you like this dress,madam?
Lady:I like the colour very much.It’s a lovely dress,but it’s too small for me.
Assistant:What about this one?It’s a lovely dress.It’s very smart.
Short skirts are in fashion now.Would you like to try it?
Lady:All right.
Lady:I’m afraid this green dress is too small for me as well.
It’s smaller than the blue one.
Lady:I don’t like the colour either.
It doesn’t suit me at all.I think the blue dress is prettier.
Lady:Could you show me another blue dress?
I want a dress like that one,but it must be my size.
Assistant:I’m afraid I haven’t got a larger dress.This is the largest dress in the shop.
Lesson 113 Small change
MAN:Trafalgar Square,
CONDUCTOR:I'm sorry,sir.
I can't change a
ten-pound note.
Haven't you got any
small change?
MAN:I've got no small change,
I am afraid.
CONDUCTOR:I'll ask some of the
CONDUCTOR:Have you any small
1st PASSENGER:I'm sorry.
I've got none.
2nd PASSENGER:I haven't got any either.
CONDUCTOR:Can you change
this ten-pound note,
3rd PASSENGER:I'm afraid I can't.
4th PASSENGER:Neither can I.
CONDUCTOR:I'm very sorry,sir.
You must get off the bus.
None of our passengers
can change this note.
They're all millionaires!
TWO TRAMPS:Except us.
1sth TRAMP:I've got some small
2nd TRAMP:So have I.
Lesson 77 Terrible toothache
NURSE:Good morning.Mr.Croft.
MR.CROFT:Good morning,nurse.
I was to see the dentist,
NURSE:Do you have an appointment?
MR.CROFT:No,I don't.
NURSE:Is it urgent?
MR.CROFT:Yes,it is.
It's very urgent.
I feel awful.
I have a terrible toothache.
NURSE:Can you come at 10 a.m.
on Monday,April 24th?
MR.CROFT:I must see the dentist now,
NURSE:The dentist is very busy
at the moment.
Can you come at 2 p.m.
MR.CROFT:That's very late.
Can the dentist see me now?
NURSE:I'm afraid that he can't,
Can't you wait till this
MR.CROFT:I can wait,but my toothache
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