My favorite country!
In my dreams, I always will be brought to a beauty place which familiar strange country for me, there is silence place as pretty as a picture, with tulip, wood windmill, grassplot, without any person, I can sleep in the side of the river, lazy river will bring me to a cloudland, I breathe orange tulip air in the new world, and I smile…oh….I cannot depict it well due to my words limited, but anyway, I so enjoy here in my dreams of my dream country and let the feeling fly in the sky, dazzling tulip will stuff my memory, feeling will fly with salangane, I hope I can stay here forever and time stopped….but….as the windmill turns and turns…I will wake up every morning, then I will return to my real-life when I open my eyes. But I don’t disappointed by my dream over, since it means a new dream will start soon, let me expect a new dream, and a new history! em…..right! I always smile lightly when I open eyes every morning, like a baby!