> 其他 >
回到家后 我发现电视机不能正常工作 于是我回到商场与营业员交涉 希望他能帮我换台好的电视机但是交涉的结果令我很不满意 营业员态度不好而且不同意与我更换新的电视机
作为消费者 我想我有权利维护我的合法利益 而且我想我提出的要求并不过分 这是商场应付的责任 我希望您能给我一个满意的答复 同时也希望您能教导您的员工 让他们的服务态度更好一些
人气:313 ℃ 时间:2020-06-24 11:32:18
I got home only to find that the television useless.So I returned to the shopping hall to negotiate with the clerks there in hope of getting a change.The result turned out to be very unsatisfactory.The clerk didn't show good manners and would not comply with my demand.As a consumer,I take it for granted that I have the right to safeguard my legal rights.Besides my requirement was not unreasonable,which was supposed to be their responsibility.I hope that you can give me a satisfactory reply.And at the same time I hope that you can manage your working staff to serve your clients with a better attitude.
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