Eternity - you smile
I'm the one that you don't see
Who watches you so cautiously
The one
Who loves you silently
I'm always one glance behind
I'm on the outskirts of your life
But you don't notice me
When you smile,smile,smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
When you smile,smile,smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
I'm the one just out of view
I'm the one you're looking thru
So close
And yet so far from you
I'm a portrait still unveiled
Unrealized and frail
A girl
Who's scared to fail
When you smile,smile,smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
When you smile,smile,smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
Oh yeah I'm invisible,I'm vulnerable to you
Oh yeah tell me what I need to say,need to do
Oh when will I catch your gaze
Every look leaves me more amazed
By you
With you I melt away
One moment is all it takes
To change your life to change your fate
And I deserve one leap of faith
When you smile,smile,smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
When you smile,smile,smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
When I see you smile
人气:489 ℃ 时间:2020-03-08 01:54:21
I'm the one that you don't see 我是你从未关注过的那个人Who watches you so cautiously却总是小心翼翼地观察着你.The one,Who loves you silently我默默地爱你I'm always one glance behind始终如一暗自关注着你I...
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