Albret Einstein was born in Germany.As a boy he was not happy at school.
Albret Einstein was born in Germany ___ (in,on,at,from) 1879.As a boy he was not happy at school.He seemed to be _____ (clever,more intelligent,slower,faster) than others and he often didn't pass his exams.Most of his teachers did not like him,His_____(classmates,teachers,friends,parents),however,loned him very much.They often ro the saidto teachers,"Alret is a clever boy.He didn't pass some of the exams because he had no interest in house subjects."They _____(believe,believed,trust,trusted) their son would do something great.One day,the Einsteins and his their friends were having a picnic by the riverside.Someone said,"See ______(how,what,where,who) happily the other children are palying and laughing,but not Albret.He is just sitting and looking at the river."Albert's mother hward this and said,"Albert is quiet,because he's thinking.Let'swait and see.He'll become a great scientist,I believe."
She was____(sure,wrong,right,clever).Laster,Ablert became one of the greatest scientists in the world.He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.
人气:377 ℃ 时间:2019-10-11 14:28:06
in slower parents believed how right
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