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人气:135 ℃ 时间:2020-05-21 14:13:49
half 的用法
(1) 与不定冠词连用时,在英美语中词序不同.如half an hour(英)=a half hour(美)(半小时)/ half a mile(英)=a half mile(美)(半英里)/ half a pound(英)=a half pound(美)(半磅).如:
If anybody wants me,say I’ll be back in a half hour.如果有人找我,说我过半个小时就回来.
(2) 与定冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词等词连用时,应放在这些词之前(此时也可用 half of).如:
Half (of) his goods were stolen.他的一半物品被人偷掉.
Half (of) the building was in flames.整栋大楼有一半在着火.
More than half (of) this land is unused.这块地的一大半未被利用起来.
但是,若用于代词时前,则必须有介词 of.如:
Tom knows only half of it.汤姆只知道一半.
Half of them are there already.他们一半人都已到达那里.
(1) 在“half of+名词或代词”结构后动词的数与该结构中名词或代词的数保持一致.如:
Half (of) the apples are bad.这些苹果当中有一半是坏的.
Half (of) the apple is bad.这个苹果有半边是坏的.
Half of them have left.他们当中一半人已离开了.
(2) 当“one and a half+复数名词”以及“a+单数名词+and a half”用作主语时,在现代英语中原则上将其谓语要与该结构中名词的单复数一致.如:
One and a half months have passed since I saw him.=A month and a half has passed since I saw him.我已有一个半月没看到他了.
3.汉语说“半小时”,英语一般用 half an hour 或 a half hour,只是在特别准确地讲时,才说 thirty minutes;但表示“半年”,通常用 six months,则较少用 half a year.如:
She hasn’t been employed for six months now.她现在已半年没有工作了.
4.表示把某物弄成两半,英语通常可用 cut (break,divide,split,tear) sth in half,其中的half不能改为复数.如:
I broke it in half.我把它弄成两半了.
He cut the cake in half.他把蛋糕切成两半.
I once saw a man tear a telephone directory in half.我有一次看见一个人把电话簿撕成了两半.
也可说成cut (break,divide,split,tear) sth into halves,其中的halves不能改为单数.如:
She cut the apple into halves.她把苹果切成两半.
He divided the cake into halves.他把蛋糕分为两半.
5.not half 有两个几乎完全相反的意思
(1) 表示“很”“非常”,主要用于口语中.如:
It isn’t half hot today.今天很热.
He didn’t half swear.他大骂特骂.
A:Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?
B:Not half.非常愿意.
(2) 表示“一点也不”,主要用来修饰 bad,badly 等.如:
The film is not half bad.这部电影很好.
It’s,not half bad,your new flat.你这套新公寓很不错.
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