> 其他 >
in five years怎么造句
space station
live aione
one day
wake up
over and over again
be able to
fall in love with
hundreds of
in style
argue with
come ture
pay for
call sb.up
out of style
in the future
have a fight with
人气:292 ℃ 时间:2019-12-29 15:16:42
1.He'll be back in five years.他五年后会回来.
2.He works at space station.他在太空站工作.
3.His grandpa lives alone.他的爷爷一个人生活.
4.I will beat you one day.总有一天我会打败你.
5.Wake up!It's time to go to school!快起床,快上学了!
6.I'd say it over and over again!我已经说了多少遍!
7.She is able to live alone.她可以一个人生活.
8.I've fallen in love with you!我已经爱上你了!
9.There's hundreds of people in our school.我们学校有成千上百的人.
10.you're in style.你很时尚.
11.I don't want to argue with you.我不想和你吵.
12.I believe my dream will come true.我相信我的梦想会实现.
13.He can't pay for this meal.他不能付这顿饭的钱.
14.I'll call you up.我会给你打电话.
15.You're out of stlye.你过时了.
16.I'll a doctor in the future.我将来要成为一个医生.
17.I had a fight with him yesterday.昨天我和他打架了.
18.I won't ao until you came.你来之前我是不会走的.
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