Lots Lots of kids and adults are shy.Maybe you are one of them.Shyness means to feel a little scared when you're around other people.Just about everybody feels shy sometimes.Sometimes,people become so shy they are afraid to do simple things in life.For example,they won't go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay for their food.Some people are so shy about meeting new people that they rarely go outside.Doctors and psychologists often can help the person work through this kind of shyness.If your shyness is keeping you from doing what you want to do,talk to someone about it.Parents,teachers,counselors,and doctors are all good people to turn to.Talking about your shyness may help you get over it.Or your friends or parents may tell you that they,too,have the same shy feelings and what they do to feel less shy.If you still feel really shy,your mom or dad might take you to see a psychologist.He or she can help you find out how to feel easier around people.
If you know someone who's shy,try to help the person feel less nervous.Name-calling or teasing will make your friend feel even more shy,so try not to do it.The more time you spend with the person,the less shy he or she will feel around you.You might even tell him or her about a time that you felt shy.It will help your friend to understand that everyone feels shy sometimes,even you!
人气:406 ℃ 时间:2020-02-15 14:03:13
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