(1) This summer I felt as if I were listening in on the Middle Ages with a hidden microphone.(2) No,there were no microphones in those days.(3) But there were letters,and sometimes these letters speak to me like voice from very long ago.
30.The best way to describe the relationship of sentence 2 to sentence 1 is that sentence 2
(A) anticipates a reader’s possible response to sentence 1
(B) provides historical background for sentence 1
(C) repeats the idea presented in sentence 1
(D) introduce a contrasting view of sentence 1
(E) corrects an inaccuracy stated in sentence 1
人气:207 ℃ 时间:2020-03-17 15:07:18
因为2句是一句回答的话 不是随随便便的一句陈述 所以选a 大一看a和e确实差不多 但是就是a更精确
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