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mobile phones are more and more popular nowadays翻译
Mobile phones are more and more popular nowadays. Do you think it’s OK for middle school students to use mobile phones?
John: I study in a boarding school(寄宿学校) and only go home at weekends. 61.It’s
more convenient than the IC phones.
Mary: I agree that it’s not good to use mobile phones in class. 62.We are old enough to
control ourselves, so teachers and parents should trust us.
Tony: I like to send short messages to my friends. It’s cheap and fun. It’s a good way to communicate
with my friends when they are not with me.
Lisa: 63.We can use them to take photos, play MP3, listen to the radio, play games and
surf the Internet. So why not use them if our parents can afford mobile phones for us?
Andy: In my eyes, the mobile phone is not only a tool for communication, but also a symbol of
fashion. If you don’t have a mobile phone, it means you are out of fashion. 64.
My friends and I sent many short messages to “Super Girl” to support our favorite singers.
Without mobile phones, how could we make it?[来源:学科网]

A.In other words, it’s cool to have a mobile phone.
B.My dad gave me his old mobile phone to keep in touch with me.
C.Nowadays, mobile phones have more and more functions(功能).
D.Expensive mobile phones are liked by young people.
E.But why can’t we use them after class?

人气:245 ℃ 时间:2019-11-19 06:02:07
你是要全部?还是只要一句啊?mobile phones are more and more popular nowadays翻译
当今社会,手机越来越普遍(流行).全部。可以吗?您是在考试吗?还是怎样呢。。如果是考试的话,我就不帮忙罗,如果不是的话,那就晚点回你哈,我现在还在上班呢,中午休息的时候再回你咯。作业。。。我做了 不过要准确的翻译。。其实呢,我觉得你自己可以试着去领悟其中的意思,不明白的单词先揣摩意思,再翻词典,自己尝试翻译。这样才会有进步哦。意思我基本领悟了,题也做出来了 但是准确翻译teacher给了100篇完形填空阅读理解之类的还要翻译 100篇啊。。。。。 在奋战ing~ 只能网上先找找答案了。 翻译下吧当今社会,手机是越来越普遍了。你认为中学生使用手机好吗?John:我是在学校寄宿的,只有在周末的时候才回家。61、B.My dad gave me his old mobile phone to keep in touch with me.(我爸爸给了我他的旧手机以便和我保持联系)手机比IC电话要方便很多。Mary:我同意在上课时间用手机是不好的,62、E.But why can’t we use them after class?(但是为什么不能在课后用呢?)我们这个年龄可以很好的控制住自己,所以老师和父母应该相信我们。Tony:我喜欢发短信给我的朋友们,这样便宜又有趣,当我们不在一起的时候,这是个我们交流的好方式。Lisa:63、C.Nowadays, mobile phones have more and more functions(功能).(现在,手机有越来越多的功能),我们用它照相、听MP3,听广播,玩游戏和上网。所以当父母有能力购买手机的情况下为什么我们不用呢。Andy:在我看来,手机不仅是交流的工具,也是时尚的标志。如果你没有手机,就代表你落伍了。64、A.In other words, it’s cool to have a mobile phone.(另一方面来说,拥有一部手机是非常酷的事情)我和我的朋友们发了很多短信到“超级女声”那边去支持我们喜欢的歌手。如果没有手机,我们怎么来做这事情呢?上班时间给你回答啦,希望能帮助到你a。。。以后也可以多交流哈。
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