A wooden crate is pushed across a concrete floor at 5m/s and released.It slides to a stop after moving a short distance.The same crate is filled until it weighs twice as much as did previously and again slid across the floor at 5m/s and released.The stopping distance for the crate will be?为什么会是the same distance?0.O
人气:170 ℃ 时间:2020-06-26 10:55:33
但是如果用机械能守恒的话不就不对了吗 1/2mv^2 = fs ;f 变大 那么s自然就变小了啊0.o哥们,f变大,m也变大了。而且f=μmg。所以,距离还是一样的。呵呵 ;] 短路了一下。谢谢啊!~
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