My name is Zhihaocheng,z-h-i h-a-o c-h-e-n-g,and my English name is Harry--Harry·Poter.
Because when I was ten,everybody said that I was like Harry·Poter.Since then,I had a english name for me ,that is why my English name is call Harry·Poter.I think that must very interesting,do you think so?Now I was thirteen year's old.My hobby is play computer,read book,sport,and drive helicopter,Sure,that is computer game.I usually play piano eight hours a day.I am a very unclouded and extroversion' s person.I always like to help my friend when he had trouble.My mother now is in the Beijing to take care of me,and my father is a lawyer.He was busy everyday.I had a timetable.It can awoke me to do something.I have two class a week,on Monday afternoon,and on Wednesday afternoon.I like piano,I can remember when I was three what had happen.A that momenr,I always went to a piano store to play,that was my uncle's store.When I went into the store at first,I heard a very wonderful and daintly's voice,somepeople was touching the black and white key very excited.Then,I ask my uncle what it was and he told me that it's piano,a expensive instrument,and it can make very wonderful and daintly's vocie which contain eighty-eight key inside,it was a very supernatural's instrument.If you want to learn it,I can teach You.Since then,I began to learn the piano.Though sometimes I feel very baldness,but I can bear it.Until now,I was still like piano.Why I was like piano?Because I like music,it is my soul,even if is my life.Everywhere need music in the world.I want to bring the music to peple,at that moment,they must be very love me,I think that feeling will must be very wonderful!
人气:219 ℃ 时间:2020-08-25 01:55:36
english 大写E
第三行must be
第四行最好用don't you think so?
play the piano
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