英语作文:假如你是王涛,最近你班就毕业后如何处理旧书一事进行了讨论,结果如右边饼形图(pie chart)所示.请你给China Daily的编辑写一封信,介绍你们的不同打算,并发表你自己的见解.开头已给出(dear editor, Recently our class had a heated discussion on how we should deal with our used books after we graduate).(图是:15%选择扔掉,30%选择赠送给需要的学生,55%选择卖掉)
人气:266 ℃ 时间:2020-06-30 09:46:34
Dear editor, Recently our class had a heated discussion on how we should deal with our used books after we graduate.Some students thought the books were unuseful.So they wanted to thorw the books.So...
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