To Go Traveling or To Study in University after Graduating from Senior High School
Well, I'm for studying in university after graduating from senior high school, the reasons are as follows.
Firstly, I don't think we should stop for long-period recreation before finishing our studies as a student. When I was in primary school, one of my classmates went on a trip to America for some time, he didn't really focus on study after returning and began to go against teachers all the time, he also became more stubborn.
Secondly, I'm afraid that a person who goes traveling after graduating from senior high school
will forget about school, though it hardly happens among the graduates with great self-controling skills.
Thirdly, as a Chinese saying goes, "It is easy to
go from frugality to extravagance, but
to go from extravagance to frugality", so it becomes harder for the ones who go traveling after graduating from senior high school to get used to school life again than the ones who go to university directly.
In shorts, those are the reasons why I'm for studying in university after graduating from senior high school.��������Ⱑ����������ճ��ġ������� ��ô�dz�����ѧ���������ǵ�Ҫ������˼ˮƽ������ �鷳������һ���Ҹ����������Լ�д�ġ��ڶ���Ҫ��˼ˮƽ��ʵ��û�У���ֻ�Ǹ���ѧ��