几乎所有的国家和民族都会受到宗教的影响,又反映出各自特定的文化内容.如果某一民族的人们不了解特定名族的宗教文化因素,则不可能进行有效与顺利的交际.而美国人民所拥有的勤奋刻苦等许多的优秀品质大都得益于贵格会对于他们的影响.基督教(新教)在美国已有300多年历史.1776年美国独立前,基督教(新教)的主要派别均已传入美国,其后迅速发展成为最有影响的宗教.在美国宗教中,基督教(新教)教徒最多,约有1.56亿人,占美国总人口的57%.贵格会是成立于17世纪的英国而后流传到美国.该教会坚决反对奴隶制,在美国南北战争前后的废奴运动中起过重要作用.贵格会在历史上提出过一些很进步的思想,其中一部分现在得到广泛接受.贵格会信徒曾受到英国政府迫害,与清教徒一起移民到美洲,但又受到清教徒的迫害,大批贵格会教徒逃离马萨诸塞州而定居在罗得岛州和宾夕法尼亚州等地.由于宾夕法尼亚州有大量贵格会教徒聚居,习惯上以Quaker City作为费城(Philadelphia)的别名,因而费城人也被称为Quaker.贵格会后传播到美国、肯尼亚和玻利维亚,现在大约有六十万人.贵格会以费城为中心进行周边学校教堂的传教活动.无神论者由于不相信神灵的存在,不相信人有灵魂,也不相信前世和来世,不相信天堂与地狱的存在.所以他一旦做了坏事,就会认为只要掩盖得好,自己就不会受到惩罚.而有宗教信仰的人相信全能的神的存在,只要自己做了坏事,人不会知道,但神是全能的,逃脱不了神的眼睛,就会受到神的惩罚,死后灵魂就会下地狱受苦受难,来世变畜生等.因此他会对自己做的坏事产生罪恶感和恐惧感.深入了解和研究贵格会对于美国人民的影响,从而得出文化信仰对于人的影响是潜移默化的.从宗教文化角度对美国人民性格的了解能够促进跨文化的交流.
人气:377 ℃ 时间:2020-06-14 08:52:03
几乎所有的国家和民族都会受到宗教的影响,又反映出各自特定的文化内容.如果某一民族的人们不了解特定名族的宗教文化因素,则不可能进行有效与顺利的交际.而美国人民所拥有的勤奋刻苦等许多的优秀品质大都得益于贵格会对于他们的影响.基督教(新教)在美国已有300多年历史.1776年美国独立前,基督教(新教)的主要派别均已传入美国,其后迅速发展成为最有影响的宗教.在美国宗教中,基督教(新教)教徒最多,约有1.56亿人,占美国总人口的57%.贵格会是成立于17世纪的英国而后流传到美国.该教会坚决反对奴隶制,在美国南北战争前后的废奴运动中起过重要作用.贵格会在历史上提出过一些很进步的思想,其中一部分现在得到广泛接受.贵格会信徒曾受到英国政府迫害,与清教徒一起移民到美洲,但又受到清教徒的迫害,大批贵格会教徒逃离马萨诸塞州而定居在罗得岛州和宾夕法尼亚州等地.由于宾夕法尼亚州有大量贵格会教徒聚居,习惯上以Quaker City作为费城(Philadelphia)的别名,因而费城人也被称为Quaker.贵格会后传播到美国、肯尼亚和玻利维亚,现在大约有六十万人.贵格会以费城为中心进行周边学校教堂的传教活动.无神论者由于不相信神灵的存在,不相信人有灵魂,也不相信前世和来世,不相信天堂与地狱的存在.所以他一旦做了坏事,就会认为只要掩盖得好,就谁也不知道,警察也不知道,自己就不会受到惩罚.而有宗教信仰的人相信全能的神的存在,只要自己做了坏事,人不会知道,但神是全能的,逃脱不了神的眼睛,就会受到神的惩罚,死后灵魂就会下地狱受苦受难,来世变畜生等.因此他会对自己做的坏事产生罪恶感和恐惧感.深入了解和研究贵格会对于美国人民的影响,从而得出文化信仰对于人的影响是潜移默化的.从宗教文化角度对美国人民性格的了解能够促进跨文化的交Almost all countries and peoples will be religious influence, and reflect the cultural content specific. If a nation of people do not understand the specific nations are not religious and cultural factors, effective and smooth may communicate. And the American people have as many diligence the excellent quality of mostly benefited from Quaker for their influence. Christian (protestant) in the United States has about 300 years of history. American independence in 1776, Christian (before the main factions protestant) introduced into the United States are already, followed by rapid development has become the most influence religion. Religion: Christianity in the United States, most christians (protestant) about 1.56 billion, accounting for 57 percent of the U.S. population. Greg will be established in 17th century Britain and then spread to the United States. The church in the United States, firmly opposed to slavery before and after the civil war in the abolition movement has played an important role. Quaker in history have presented some very progressive ideas, part of the widely accepted now. Quaker believers had received the British government persecution, and pilgrims immigrated into America, but also by the persecution of the puritans, Quaker christians escape from Massachusetts and settled in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania, etc. Because of Pennsylvania has a large Muslim enclaves Quaker, the custom Quaker City in Philadelphia) as Philadelphia (alias, and Philadelphia also called Quaker. Greg spread to the United States after, Kenya and Bolivia, now is about sixty million people. Greg for center in Philadelphia church missionary activities around the school. Atheists because don't believe the existence of gods, do not believe that man has a soul, also don't believe that past and the afterlife, don't believe in the existence of heaven and hell. So once he did something bad, he would think just cover up well, he who don't know, the police also don't know that I would not be punished. But religious people believe that the almighty god exists, as long as their did something bad, people don't know, but god is omnipotent, never escape the eye of god, will be god's punishment, dead souls would be hell after suffering, afterlife become beast, etc. So he'll do bad guilt and fear. Understand and study for the American people Quaker, concluded that the influence of cultural .
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