many people want to buy it because,___,the price is low,__,it's rather durable
a on one side ,on the other side b for one thing,for another thing
这两个答案有什么区别吗 选哪一个更合适?
人气:101 ℃ 时间:2020-04-30 17:17:39
选A.on one side,on the other side指一方面.,另一方面.
for one thing,for another thing尤其是用于嘱咐对方什么事情时候说的
- many people like to read the guinness book of world records,and some people want to be in it!
- Many people like camping because it gives then the freedom to go ____ they want to.
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- many people want to buy it beacuse,__ ,the price is low,__,it's rather durable.
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