初三英语选词填空"We live to work or work to live"is a very famous saying.
███"We live to work or work to live"is a very famous saying.The society us moving fast has the time_____ baout whether the way we follow is the best. In fact ,it's hard the _____problem: the balance between work and personal life.
███Maybe you say you don't want to have a _____life.
You want to work all the_____to devote yourself to your career.Before doing this,you'd better_____yourself,"Do you want to have a family?"
███The perfect example that shows the idea is Steve Jobs.He decided that no matter_____rich he was or how nice it was to stay with his family,it's_____to be creative and to bring new tech nologies.It's clear that he_____up his presonal life.People all over the world are grateful to him,but what about his family.
███In my opinion,although work is important,we do_____our personal life,such as family,friends and parties.We still need to work.And we should try our _____to work well.But do rememder that work is only one part of our life.Juse like we need a balanced diet,we also need a balance between woek and life.
可供选词:│how││ need││ time││ think││ good ││by││ solve││ person││ people ││give ││ask ││important │ 以上的词每个只能用一次,并选择其适当形式.
人气:348 ℃ 时间:2020-04-02 09:37:17
to think,to solve,personal,time,ask,how,important,gave,need,best,
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