> 其他 >
1.on the telephone 用法是什么?
2.be ill in bed 卧病在床 用法是什么?
3.I'm sorry 后接什么形式 (除了动词不定式)
4.ask for .leave 请假 特点是?
5.Pay attention...to 用法?
人气:335 ℃ 时间:2020-06-06 01:10:40
1.on the telephone也可以是on the phone,用法:A给B打电话,B和C在一起,B就可以给C说A is on the phone
2.主语+be ill in bed,比如:He is ill in bed.就是他卧病在床.又比如:He has been ill in bed for a week.他已经因病卧床一周了.
3.可以接for或者that从句.比如:I am sorry for disturbing you.我很抱歉打扰你了.I am sorry that I did not tell you the truth.我很抱歉我没有讲真话.
4.就是把天数加在中间哈.比如:ask for a three-day leave请三天假
5.意思:注意,放精力在什么什么方面.比如,老师在上课时说Pay attention to the blackboard.注意看黑板.
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