> 英语 >
Helen Keller lived in the USA.She was a great w___________(1) .When Helen was a baby ,she got very sick .After many weeks ,the doctor said ,“She is better ,but now she can’t see s___________(2) she can’t hear .” Her mother and father were very sad .
After a few years ,things got w_________(3) .There was no way for Helen to speak to other people .She heard nothing .She saw nothing .She didn’t understand a_________(4).
Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family .The teacher helped Helen I _________(5) about words .Helen was a very bright child and soon she started to s__________(6) her first word .When she was older ,she went to college .
Helen was very f__________(7) .She helped many blind and deaf (盲、聋) people .She traveled around the world and h________(8) many people .
Helen was a very old woman when she d_________(9) .The world remembers her today a__________(10) a brave and wonderful person She was blind and deaf ,but she found a way to see hear .
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