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急求一篇英语作文(快)题目:four seasons
人气:263 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 07:15:07
Three!You always walked at a brisk pace of running,with a book in his hand.In the beautiful spring we will gain knowledge.Listening to lang lang DouShuSheng resounded through the blue sky; See our hand holds the key to knowledge:book in the grass walking emitted,smell!The lilac garden that is knowledge incense; Touch!That is a lovely books,each a live a knowledge elves,when you flip it,you will reap knowledge beauty!Spring is so beautiful!Let us together sitting under the tree,the harvest of the knowledge of the spring!
Summer girl she is!You and smiling to run to come over,behind you talk to a lot of toys!The rope,badminton and football.In the summer,we harvest with vigor.Listen:in the playground's laughter.See:sweat profusely of us happy the appearance of the play.Smell:that lots of sweat taste clothes,but the inside have our happiness.Touch:the roast as carbon toys,let us together took the toy feel the enthusiasm of the summer,harvest the summer vitality and friendship!
Autumn girl!Why do you carry a small basket,slowly walked to come over?Your basket have a lot of ripe melon and fruit oh!Autumn is the harvest season.Listen:we see in the examination paper "ah" "and" sound and loss of sound.See:we exam score,ah!And progress.Smell:on the paper with ink scent.Touch:on the paper still keep we often efforts.Let us together sitting under the tree,to enjoy our common achievement!
Winter girl:you still compose full snowflakes of ran,and your face with purest smile!In the winter we reap the pure.Listen:we clear DouShuSheng still without ceasing,only a few of the chasteness like snow.See:we sweep compose full of sweat bead when pure face.Smell:snow in showing a stream of pure flavor.Touch:that Snow White,white is much more beautiful,more pure!To let us together sitting under the tree,enjoy a winter in our romantic,together with the purity of winter harvest!
Spring:is the season of harvest knowledge!
Summer:is the vitality of the harvest season!
Autumn:is the season of harvest achievement!
Winter:the season of harvest is pure!
The tree planted campus in heaven,I call the "harvest angel",in "harvest angel" care under,we gain the many,many.
There are four seasons because of the transformation,so have we colorful world,let us for beauty in the world and cheers!
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