iT is Not a Cirme to Want
a little Space to Breathe
but You will Be fine
The again will Shine on you
whatever you do
&& take your sweet time,sweet time
i will be here when you change your Mind
take your sweet,sweet time
i will be Here for you baby Anytime
&&& i'm feeling you Pull Away
cause letting go isn't easy for me
but you will never fly
with someone else's wings,i know
wherever you go
&&&& i will never stand in your way
wherever your heart may lead you
i will love you the same
and i will be your comfort every day
do you hear the words i say?
人气:367 ℃ 时间:2019-12-26 14:16:46
慢慢来,别着急 保留一些自己的空间呼吸并不是罪恶 但你会没事的 阳光会再一次照耀在你身上 无论你做了什么 慢慢来,别着急 当你改变主意的时候,我会在你身边 慢慢来,别着急 我会在这里等你,BABY 无论何时 我感觉你要...
- take your time
- take time,take your
- 李白描写大自然的诗
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- ln(1+e^x)/x,当x趋于正无穷大时的极限
- 若/a+3/+/2a-4/=0则a=___,b=____
- 已知函数f(x)=(4x+3)/(x^2+1),其定义域为R,求值域.
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