We are terrible sorry that we can't provide the 2 kinds of specification you are looking for.
But our assembly line is producing about4M thick,70M wide and 5M thick,100M wide. Anyway,If you want to test whether the machine can cut the samples or not,the specification is more or less will be ok.
The specification of 70M is covered a piece of plastic cloth,but if you don't need it ,we can take it away.thank you.
本人想点评下楼主的翻译,虽然简单,但不是很正规,还有第二句里面的“撕掉”你翻译的是 “tear off" 据我所知,"tear off "在西方国家偏贬义,不是很好,按照楼主的意思其实可以翻译做”如果不需要,我们可以把他拿下来“