> 英语 >
Dear Sir,
I'm writing to inform you that my english courses will be finished on 19 november.I was wondering if you had any ideas about next step?what would you advise me to do?It's necessary for me to confirm whether I could come back again as early as possible.Do you think I could come back again?Would you plan to come to Beijing this month?Could we meet in Beijing?
Please write back when you have the time and let me know what you think.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
人气:379 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 19:43:09
1) 你对用过去时表达客气方式及虚拟有误解,这也是很多人容易犯的错误;
2) 正式文本一定要注重大小,尽量不用缩写.
3) 还有一些其他小错误.
Dear Sir,
I'm writing to inform you that my English courses will be finished on the 19th of November.I am wondering if you have any idea about the next step.What would you advise me to do?It's necessary for me to confirm whether I can come back again as early as possible.Do you think I can come back again?Are you planning to come to Beijing this month?Can we meat each other in Beijing?
Please write back when you have time and let me know what you think.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
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