1.study efficiently.we do not want to spent whole lot of time study but barely any positive outcome being achieved.in this case,a right approach to study is essential.different study strategy can be applied to various of subjects,eg:for studying maths,we need to know what the teacher is expecting,then concentrate on the "key points".a big problem in learning maths is cognitive overload.we all have a reasonable short term memory which can only hold instant information strings for 20 second.to remember things to the best degree,we need to deep process the intake information by creating links with exercises we have done or even with our own life experience.good cognitive strategy can make study much easier and enjoyable.
we play in order to forget about study for a moment.our brain is normally tired after long hour of study.besides mind,other parts of our body can sense the exhaustion as well such as eyes.it is not worthy to trade off between health and study.
so it come to how to achieve the balance studies and play.
1.make a timetable on what should be done the night before,stick to the plan as tightly as possible,in the timetable,do not forget to put "break" in between!it is our resting hours!
2.do not leave everything to the last minute.have a long term planning before tests,try to start 2 weeks ahead.otherwise,we will be more likely to experience cognitive overload and have to time to enjoy our" last minute" before tests!
3.ask our supervising teacher,they have more life experience than we are.especially our parents,they have come across the same situation before,so they should be able to give us some good suggestions.
4.about play,it can be categorised into several types.playing computer games is one of them,but it is not considered to be a health way of entertaining,sometimes,it makes us even more stressed!so do some physical activities if we can,it is win-win as improving both mental and physical health!
5.do not stay overnight,it has more negative effect than we may think.we can not remember things efficiently can it basically ruins the whole next day:we can not stay awake in the classroom!
do not want to be embarressed by our peer?
then do as best as we can to achieve the balance between studies and play!
takes 10 minutes to write your essay.it is a good topic,also useful to some extent!