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人气:128 ℃ 时间:2019-09-09 17:22:54
  我们国家的水资源虽然非常丰富,但可以用的淡水资源却很少,并且随着工业的发展,水污染成了一个严重的问题,很多工业废水污染得臭不可闻,这是多么可怕的一件事啊!此外浪费水的现象也十分严重,据统计. 一个中等城市每年浪费的水相当于一个洞庭湖的水量!
  不经意之间浏览到的一则公益广告,让我的内心久久不能平静,电视画面上有一个水龙头,此时正在艰难的往外滴水,滴水的速度愈来愈慢,终究就慢慢枯竭了.随之出现的是这样一句话:"如果人类不珍惜水,那么我们能看到的最后一滴水将是我们自己的眼泪." 水是生命之源,假如地球上没有水,那么地球母亲就不会孕育出我们人类的子孙万代.水是生命的摇篮! 看完这则广告,我真是感受颇深,为了节约用水,我制订了以下家庭节水计划:
  滴水多用:洗脸水用后可以洗脚,然后冲厕所;家中应预备一个收集废水的大桶,将洗衣等生活废水收集起来,以应对不备之需,如此,一个三口之家每月可节水1吨左右. 用洗米水、煮面水洗碗筷,可节省生活用水以及减少洗洁精对餐具的污染;用洗涤灵清洗瓜果蔬菜,需得用清水冲洗几次,才敢放心吃.可以改用盐浸泡消毒,只冲洗一遍就够了.
Cherish life saving water, begin from me
Frugal, person of virtue; extravagant, the evil.
"Water is the Source of Life, we must save every drop of water." This sentence was right, if there is no water, the earth will be dry; if there is no water, there is no us in this beautiful world. We should cherish every drop of water, cherish the earth mother each drop of tears.
For a long time, people generally think that the water is "inexhaustible, be inexhaustible", in fact, China water resources are very scarce, the per capita share of total water resources is only 2300 cubic meters, equivalent to 1/4 of the world average level. From this point of view, we have a very serious problem in water supplies, a little attention will find yourself is the existence of this or that the phenomenon of wasting water.
The bad habit of wasting water in common families beyond count. Using the toilet flush of cigarette and crushing of waste; the water during the period to open the door, answer the phone, change the TV channel, but not off the tap; wash hands,brush your teeth, wash your face when you do not turn off the faucet. According to expert analysis, as long as get rid of these bad habits, you can save 70% or so, not only save money for themselves, but also for the community to save water resources.
Our country's water resources is very rich, but you can use fresh water resources are few, and with the development of industry, water pollution has become a serious problem, a lot of industrial wastewater pollution may give off an unbearable stink, this is a terrible thing! In addition, the waste of water is also very serious,according to statistics. A medium-sized city waste water each year is equivalent to aDongting Lake water!
The river of water of life!
Navigate to a public service ads inadvertently, let my heart a long time can not be calm, the TV screen has a faucet, drip out at this time is difficult, increasing the speed of dripping water slowly, finally slowly dried up. Then there is this sentence:"if human beings do not cherish the water, the last drop of water we can see is our tears. "Water is the Source of Life, if there is no water on the earth, the earth mother will not be bred out of our future generations of mankind. Water is the cradle of life! After seeing the advertisement, I really feel deeply, in order to save water, I made the following household saving plan:
Water use: wash water after washing, and flushing toilets; home should be prepared for a wastewater collection vats, collect the laundry wastewater, withneeds, unprepared to deal with such, a family of three monthly water-saving 1 tons.Wash rice with water, cook noodles washing bowl and chopsticks, save water and reduce pollution of detergent on the dishes; use detergent to clean fruits and vegetables, need to wash a few times, dare to eat at ease. You can use salt immersion disinfection, washing only once is enough.
Water, is the source of life, maintain our life, without water, everything will die, no water, humans can not survive, no water, there would be no beautiful a landscape of lakes and mountains. Save water, not just a slogan, should start from aboutone point one dripping, firmly establish the "save water glorious, shameful waste of water" concept, and always pay attention to water conservation.
March 22nd is the annual World Water day. Every year on this day, the world will promote: we have to cherish water resources, protection of the water of life. In fact,not only on this day, in our every day life, we should cherish every drop of water,cherish the water with the practical action.亲爱的老师,同学和朋友们:下午好。我们都知道,地球是一颗行星几乎被水覆盖,它是水做的每件事,地球上的水是活泼的。同时我们环境的一个重要组成部分。但是,我们真的有这么多水干净,产生许多东西,玩?有多少水是地球上呢?大部分的水是在海洋或锁定了冰。最大的淡水量储存在地下的地下水,如果世界上只有一桶水,然后有一只勺子它的土地上,与水的我们可以用它现在只有一滴。我要提醒大家,滴水也不再像以前那样干净了,它已经被人类的严重污染。在巴黎有一个非常美丽的河流。它是塞纳河,它穿过城市,人们喝咖啡,聊天,在这一天,银行晚上,他们喜欢在船上美丽的风景,歌曲从河飞入天空,使河道更具吸引力,塞纳河是一个著名的法国的象征;在太平洋的西海岸有现代化的城市上海,另一条河,它曾经是一个非常重要的交通干线贯穿城市中心的人的尊重,并把它作为“母亲”。这是“苏州河,但我相信一些哟你会坐在它的旁边,人将分散的水的可怕的气味时,走过。我不得不说这是非常脏!我们都知道,世界上许多美丽的河流有苏州河共享相同的命运。谁是魔鬼?我不禁要问。许多人类活动及其副产品有可能污染水源。请看一看沿着河岸,大型和小型工业企业排放污水,成吨的垃圾被扔进河中的水,以致不能自我清洁。在上海两岸有很多戏剧性的发展相比,苏州河已成为市容黑点。幸运的是,现在政府已经控制了局势,我们高兴地看到河的一些地方已经成为干净,我们甚至可以找到鱼的时候。“乘机安全小贴士”安全出行要重视地球是唯一的行星充满了生命,水就像血液在体内的活性,保护水是拯救我们自己。不浪费一滴水,否则的话,我们可以在未来只有一滴水就会是我们的眼泪!我亲爱的朋友们,人类仍然面临着在解决环境与发展问题的难度很大,而且有一个宏大的任务执行和长的路要走。中国的中学生将永远与年轻人的世界环境保护合作。我们携手共创未来!谢谢聆听。
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