I'm a (m ) school student.I go to school (e ) morning except (S ) and Sundays.My home is a little (f ) from the school so I (c ) a bus toschool.I have to (g ) up early.School is (o ) at 4;30PM.I (u ) play basketball with my friends,I like it very much.I think Yao Min is the(b ) player in China.I (w ) I could be a goodplayer like him.
I have a dream.i hope i have an interesting (j ) when i (g )up.i work very long and sometimes i work very (l )but i can make a lot of (m ).i have my own house.it's beautiful.there is a park (a ).i can (t ) a walk and get (r )there after work.when i go out for a trip,i stay in a good (h ) like a VIP.i can (l ) to music when i work.i don't (n ) to do any homework .ti's so boring.what a funny dream!
人气:335 ℃ 时间:2020-06-16 11:58:38
一.根据首字母填空 I'm a (middle ) school student.I go to school (every ) morning except (Saturdays ) and Sundays.My home is a little (father ) from the school so I (catch ) a bus toschool.I have to (g...
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