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英语作文符合高一的 Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?Today the number of people learning English is increasing rapidly for various reasons.First,it is because.
人气:430 ℃ 时间:2019-08-18 10:23:09
Paramount important is that English is widely spoken around the world.As an international language ,there's no doubt it can offer you a large number of benefits which those who cannot speak are hard to get.For example,you can find a job more easily,or get a higher salary,even achieve a promotion in your work.
What's more,the process of learning E is more like a self-improvement,it can advance your ability in listening,speaking,reading and writing.The society is now in a great need of such talented fellows.
这篇文章可是我慢慢码出来的,诚心天地可鉴哪╮(╯▽╰)╭ 不过我还是要提醒你一句,英语作文和语文写作一样,只有多练笔才能在需要时信手拈来,下次还是努力自己完成吧.
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