Life has been changing me
Having been through these years,I changed a lot. I'm no longer a little child who always cry but a kid with responsblity. Maybe I was once a lazyboy and was always complaining about the world which was unfair to us. But now things are different,I know we should depend on our own to creat, to change the world.能带翻译吗这些年来,我改变了很多,不在是个只会哭的小孩。而是一个有责任心的男人,以前的我或许很懒惰,经常抱怨世界对我不公平,生活改变了我,现在我知道是需要靠自己双手去创造这个世界。e~~~~~我是个女的哦,不过还好啦,谢啊哦。没有注意到您是女生。在请问一下,,(我成了一个懂事的孩子)用英语怎么说i have grown beintelligent and thoughtful