> 英语 >
有没有“非死记硬背的方式”来记住 historic 与 historical 的区别?
我知道 historic 是“具有历史意义的”.可是时间一长又会忘记了.求永远不会忘记这两个词的去别的方法.不要死记硬背中文意思的那种
人气:144 ℃ 时间:2020-04-06 19:31:03


historic 结尾-刻,刻骨铭心的事件-极为重要
important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future
histori-cal -抠-抠历史上有什么,不管重不重要,忘记过去等于背叛-历史要抠抠.


Have a look at these examples and think about what may be different between 'historical' and 'historic':
We'll spend the afternoon visiting the historical buildings in the old town.
And here are the steps from which the president made his historic announcement

Historic = Having importance in or influence on history
Historical = Of or relating to the character of history; Based on or concerned with events in history; Used in the past: historical costumes; historical weapons
Historic and historical have different usages, though their senses overlap. Historic refers to what is important in history: the historic first voyage to the moon. It is also used of what is famous or interesting because of its association with persons or events in history: a historic house. Historical refers to whatever existed in the past, whether regarded as important or not: a minor historical character. Historical also refers to anything concerned with history or the study of the past: a historical novel; historical discoveries. While these distinctions are useful, these words are often used interchangeably, as in historic times or historical times.
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