Homecoming Weekend is a tradition at American colleges,universities,and also high schools.Schools usually hold a weekend for this purpose each fall.Homecoming Weekend is a time when former students return to get together with current students and old friends.
The Weekend usually certers on a football game and a homecoming dance.Many schools also hole a parade.And some burn a ceremonial fire to show support for their football team.
The University of Illinois has claimes for many years that it held the first college Homecoming Weekend in 1910.The planners of that celebration saw ti as a chance fo current students an former students to get to know each other.They said ti would create more loyalty to university.And it would lead other universities to follow.
It seems that they found that Baylor University in Texas held an event called "Home -Coming" one year earlier,in 1909.It was organized as a time to meet former student frends,recall old memories and "catch the Baylor spirit again." Events of that weekend included a concert,a parade,and a football game.
And Northern Illinois University has records to show it held a Homecoming Weekend even earlier,in 1906.It was also a gathering of former students with organized social events.
Today most American college hold a Homecoming Weekend.Things can get a little wild.But some students say the weekend is fon onle when their football team has a winning season.Still,whoever started it,Homecoming Weekend remain( )in many svhools in the United States.
Q1:What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words)
Q2:Which sentence in the passage can be repalced by the foolowing one?
Nowadays,it's a popular activity among most American colleges to hold a Homecoming Weekend.
Q3:Please fill in the blank in the last paragragh with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words)
Q4:Do you think high schools should hold a Homecoming Weekend?Why?(Please answer within 30 words)
Q5:Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragragh into Chinese.
人气:149 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 01:45:39
Q1:The History of Homecoming WeekendQ2:Today most American college hold a Homecoming Weekend.Q3:to be heldQ4:Yes.Because it is a good chance for the former students return to get together with current...
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