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英语情景对话 餐厅里的 要能讲10分钟左右的
人气:227 ℃ 时间:2020-03-22 17:05:24
Waiter:How many people?服务员:几位?
Waiter:Come this way.I have a table at corner.Is that Ok for you?服务员:这边请.我有个把角的桌子可以吗?
Man:That will be fine.男:可以了.
Waiter:Do want to order something to drink first?服务员:要不要先来点喝的?
Susan:Daddy,Can I order a coke?苏珊:爸爸,我能点个可乐么?
Jimmy:I want that too!吉米:我也要!
Man:Okay,bring two coke and two cups of water please.男:好吧,
Waiter:Here they are.two coke and two cups of water.Are you ready to order?
Man:Do you have any special tonight?
Waiter:yes!Why don't you try our chief's special BBQ ribs and roast beef combo?It is a family meal deal.The price is reasonable too.
Man:Honey,what do you think?
Woman:That sounds pretty good!I think we still need to order some side dish.How about order some fruit salad and onion rings?
Man:Okay.We will have chief's special and one large fruit salad and samll onion rings?
Waiter:Okay.Be right back.
Waiter:All your food are here now.Enjoy!
Waiter:Here they are.two coke and two cups of water.Are you ready to order?服务员:来啦.两杯可乐,两杯水.可以点菜了吗?
Man:Do you have any special tonight?男:今晚有没有特价呢?
Waiter:yes!Why don't you try our chief's special BBQ ribs and roast beef combo?It is a family meal deal.The price is reasonable too.服务员:有!你要不要试一下我们大厨拿手的烧烤大排和烤牛肉套餐?价钱也很公道的.
Man:Honey,what do you think?男:亲爱的,你觉得呢?
Woman:That sounds pretty good!I think we still need to order some side dish.How about order some fruit salad and onion rings?女:听上去很不错!我想我们还需要点些别的.点写水果色拉和洋葱圈怎么样?
Man:Okay.We will have chief's special and one large fruit salad and samll onion rings?男:好啊.我们就要大厨的套餐和一个大份的水果色拉和一小份洋葱圈.
Waiter:Okay.Be right back.服务员:好的,马上就来.
Waiter:All your food are here now.Enjoy!服务员:您的菜齐了.请慢用!
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