2.The probability of A’s winning a hockey match is 3/2 times the
probability of B’s winning a cricket match.The probability of C’s winning a
race is twice the probability of B’s winning the cricket match.What is the
maximum probability of A’s winning the hockey match?
(A) ¼ (B) ½ (C) 2/3 (D)¾ (E) 1
人气:278 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 22:58:32
As the probability of C should be the biggest one,the maximum is 1 Therefore,maxP(B)=1/2
and max P(A)=1/2*3/2=3/4that's what i got at the first place````but my dad said it should be one````because the maximum of a probability should be one````````````but thanks. i would like to hear more answers to this```OK, Don't worry~~You may tell your dad that you are the right one~~:-)yeah, he HAS to admitthat he's wrong!!!!
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